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- Flat Transmission Belt
- Flat Transmission Belt
Flat Transmission Belt
Produot characteristics: Common flat nubber bal,also called transmlsslon belt,usualy use 8 high qually coton cenvs is skeleton layers Aeer the surface of the caweslsscnubbed and coated wih approprate nbber,severa layers of nubber canwas adhere together to fom the flat ubber.Belt On the longiudina seamoftha bolt endosing nubbor s usod to make the soam fimeL And bottar adherod toathar boatar.The ftat nbber bot has the charactorsfcs of highstengh,good faxiblty and amallelongaton.,tls mainly used in mines,docks,metalurgjcal industy and also wdely used in ordinary mechenicalpower tansmision,great power prooesing of grains ke roe and wheat,imigabon equipment,wood cuting and other power transmitng equpment for industry andagrcuture.Therefore lt plays more and more Important role in varous typos of power oqupant
Product origin:China
Delivery time:30Days
Product Detail
The Flat Transmission Belt includes two types: 28 OZ & 32 OZ, Both of them have four colors:Light brown,yellow,orange and black.
Cross Section:
Cut edge